We believe in the triune God, consisting of Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
We believe that the Bible is the authoritative guide for Christian faith and living, and truly reveals God's purpose in the world: to free us from sin through faith in Jesus Christ.
Each person is free to explore and interpret the Scriptures according to his or her own experience and to express one's worship within a covenant community of other Christians, the church.
We strive for unity of all Christians in the love of Christ. Doctrines and human differences should not be allowed to divide believers from each other.
We believe in public confession of faith in Christ and repenting of sins, and acceptance of Jesus into our lives.
We observe the Lord's Supper every Sunday and baptize by immersion. Those practices are based on a sincere desire to follow Jesus and the apostolic examples found in the New Testament.
We practice inclusive ministry in the life and work of the church. All members are "ministers" -- entitled to interpret the Scriptures and perform church functions.