Our Life Together
9:30am - Sunday School
10:30am - Worship
We partake of the Lord's Supper together every Sunday and our table is open.
We have nursery for newborns through 4 years old (during Sunday School & Church).
We have Children's Church for kids 4 years old through 5th grade.
Second Sunday All Church Lunch
Following service each second Sunday of the month, we have an all Church lunch.
Second Monday of Each Month
6:30pm - Disciples Women's Fellowship Meeting
Ladies are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall.
We have dinner together at 6:30 and start our devotion at 7pm.
6:00pm Fellowship Dinners
Each week, we break bread together in a time of fellowship.
Cost is $4.
Dinners are served January through May and September through November - we break for Summer & the holidays.
First Wednesday of Each Month
10:00am - Disciples Women's Fellowship Meeting
Ladies are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall.
7:00pm - First Wednesday Prayer & Praise Service
First & Third Wednesday of Each Month
6:30pm - Youth Group Meeting
Youth in 6th through 12th grade are invited to join us!
For more information on the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), visit these sites: